What medical orders are included in a POLST?
The POLST order allows patients to specify whether they desire CPR or whether they prefer to allow a natural death to occur if they are in cardiopulmonary arrest. It contains additional instructions as well, indicating if they have a pulse and/or are breathing, whether they want comfort measures only, specific limited additional interventions, or full treatment.
The POLST form is separated into four sections:
- Section A identifies what action to take if the person is not breathing and does not have a pulse (CPR/Attempt Resuscitation or DNAR (Do Not Attempt Resuscitation) (Allow Natural Death).
- Section B identifies what action to take if the person has a pulse and/or is breathing, such use of oxygen, suction, intravenous fluids, airway support, and advanced interventions such as intubation, mechanical ventilation, and other intensive care-related procedures.
- Section C includes validation and signatures.
- Section D identifies non-emergency medical treatment preferences including whether the patient should receive antibiotics, medically assisted nutrition and hydration, and dialysis.
FAQ Category
Portable Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment