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What We Do for WA Board of Nursing (WABON)

In Licensing, we work together to guide nursing applicants and nurses through licensing and renewal.

You can also verify a license or licenses.

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Washington State Nurse License Applications

We process all license applications and renewals for Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners (ARNP), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), Nursing Technicians (NTEC) and Registered Nurses (RN)

Note: We don’t process applications for Nursing Assistants. The Department of Health (DOH) does.

Mailing your Application and Renewal Fee Checks

We encourage you to apply and renew your license online, however there are certain situations where you will be unable to apply online, especially if one of the following scenarios applied to you:

  • You have a previously closed application
  • You are applying for an ARNP license and hold an active multistate RN in another state (and are not changing PSOR to WA)
  • You are reactivating a previously expired license
  • You are applying for a military portability license
Please make the checks payable to the Department of Health and mail them to the following address:
Department of Health
PO Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099

Sending Payment by Check

We encourage you to apply and renew online, but if you are unable to, then please make checks payable to the Department of Health and mail them to the following address:
Department of Health
PO Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099

SecureAccess Washington (SAW) Account

We use SecureAccess Washington (SAW) to protect your personal information. To apply, renew, or manage your license online you need to either create or login to a SAW account.