What is an advisory opinion?
The Nursing Commission may issue advisory opinions in response to questions put to it by professional health associations, nursing practitioners and consumers concerning the authority of various categories of nursing personnel to perform particular acts. The opinion is advisory and intended for guidance only. An advisory opinion is not legally binding and does not have the force and effect of a duly promulgated regulation or a declaratory ruling by the Nursing Commission.
The Nursing Commission recently approved two advisory opinions:
- Updated Advisory Opinion: Determining, Pronouncing, and Certifying Death
The Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission determines it is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared and competent licensed practical nurse (LPN), registered nurse (RN), and advanced registered nurse practitioner (ARNP) to determine and pronounce death, using assessment of the obvious, presumptive, or conclusive signs of death. It is not within the scope of the nursing assistant-registered (NA-R) or the nursing assistant-certified (NA-C) to determine or pronounce death. It is within the scope of the ARNP to certify death (RCW 70.58). It is not within the scope of the LPN or RN to certify death. The Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission recommends the nurse use the Interactive Scope of Practice Decision Tree.
- Updated Advisory Opinion: Administration of Cannabis/Marijuana Products in School Settings: Kindergarten-Twelve (K-12) Grades, Public and Private Schools
The purpose of this advisory opinion is to clarify the scope of practice of the registered nurse (RN) and licensed practical nurse LPN) in administering Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved prescription cannabis/marijuana-derived products in schools. It is within the scope of the RN or LPN to administer FDA-approved prescription cannabis/marijuana-derived products in schools. It is not within the scope of the RN or LPN to administer medically authorized marijuana-infused products in school settings, public and private schools, grades K-12.
- See all current Advisory Opinions.