The Washington State Board of Nursing (board) is seeking input on the English proficiency exam requirement for nurse licensure applicants educated outside the United States (U.S.). As part of the board’s RN/LPN Licensing and Continuing Competency rulemaking project, we held two rule workshops on February 6 and 10 to gather public feedback on potential changes to this requirement. Please find the attached workshop materials (PDF) for your review.
Currently, WAC 246-840-045 and WAC 246-840-090 require RN and LPN applicants educated outside the U.S. to demonstrate English proficiency by passing a board-approved exam, unless they were educated in one of the following countries: Canada (except Quebec), the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, or the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The board has reviewed the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) model rule language regarding this requirement. Chapter 5.3 of the NCSBN model rules states: "For an applicant who is a graduate of a prelicensure education program not taught in English, passage of an English proficiency examination (is required) that includes the components of reading, speaking, writing, and listening." Additionally, 2023 NCSBN licensure data indicates that most other jurisdictions follow this model rule and require an English proficiency exam only if the applicant’s nursing education was not conducted in English.
To help inform the board’s decision-making, we invite you to provide your feedback using the survey link below: