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The Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 18.79 and Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 246-840 provide the statutory and legal basis of nursing practice. The board provides policy statements, advisory opinions, and guidance documents related to specific areas of nursing practice.

RCW 34.05.230 provides a framework for interpretive and policy statements, and provides a way for a person to request the conversion of an interpretive or policy statement into rule.

Interpretive Statements

Interpretive Statements are a written expression of the opinion of an agency as to the meaning of a statute or other provision of law, of a court decision, or of an agency order. They are intended to convey general guidance to assist interested parties by indicating the Washington State Board of Nursing’s current analysis and conclusion(s) on issues that are neither case, nor fact-specific, and that may come before the board at a time in the future. RCW 34.05.010 (8)

An interpretive statement does not have the force and effect of law. It is merely an explanatory document intended to convey the board’s interpretation of the law and regulation as it existed at the time the statement was issued.

Current Interpretive Statements

Policy Statements

Policy Statements are written descriptions of the current approach of an agency, entitled a policy statement by the agency head or its designee, to implementation of a statute or other provision of law, of a court decision, or of an agency order, including where appropriate the agency's current practice, procedure, or method of action based upon that approach. RCW 34.05.010 (15)

A policy statement informs the public of the agency’s current approach to implementation of its own law or rule. A policy statement does not have the force and effect of law.

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More agency rule resources

Department of Health Rule Making

State Board of Health Rules

Other Department rules in WAC Title 246

Rule Petition