For immediate release: March 25, 2025 (25-1002)
Contact: WABON Communications
The Washington State Board of Nursing (WABON) has taken disciplinary action or withdrawn charges against the following healthcare providers in our state.
The Washington State Board of Nursing is committed to protecting public health and safety by regulating the competency and quality of all Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), Registered Nurses (RN), Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners (ARNP), and Nurse Technicians (NTEC).
For primary source verification of a Washington State LPN, RN, ARNP, or NTEC license—for employment purposes or any other reason—please visit the Department of Health’s Provider Credential Search. This online tool provides up-to-date information, including:
- License status
- Credential expiration and renewal dates
- Disciplinary actions
- Legal documents issued after July 1998
This information is publicly available and can be printed directly from the website.
Clark County
The WABON reinstated the registered nurse license of Joel Dustin Brown (RN.RN.60787565), provided he meets the relevant regulatory requirements for credentialing.
Grays Harbor County
The WABON has indefinitely suspended the registered nurse’s license of Tara L. Main (RN.RN. 00150812). Prior to reinstatement, Main must complete an ethics and boundaries course. In April 2024, a Board of Appeals review decision and final order were issued affirming a February 2024 initial order and the DSHS decision that Main had financially exploited a vulnerable adult.
King County
The WABON granted Maxwell York Kraus (RN.RN.61603306) a license to practice as a registered nurse with conditions on the license. Kraus must continue to comply with a monitoring program. In January 2022, Kraus was convicted of Reckless Driving, a gross misdemeanor. In December 2024, Kraus entered a monitoring program.
The WABON suspended the licensed practical nurse’s license of David Andrew Skidmore (LPN.LP. 60157069). Skidmore may not petition for reinstatement for at least five years. Prior to petitioning for reinstatement, Skidmore must undergo a psychological or psychiatric evaluation. In February 2024, Skidmore was charged with one count of Assault in the Fourth Degree and one count of Harassment. The charges related to Skidmore’s assault and threatening of a co-worker in November 2023.
Lee County
The WABON indefinitely suspended the registered nurse’s license of Patty M. Vatter (RN.RN.00159118). Vatter failed to comply with a March 2024 monitoring contract due to Vatter’s termination from her out-of-state monitoring contract.
Pierce County
The WABON charged licensed practical nurse Caroline Brooks (LPN.LP.61241106) with unprofessional conduct. Charges state that between October 2023 and January 2024, Brooks failed to properly document the administration of controlled substances to multiple patients on multiple occasions and tried to cover the errors by falsifying medication records.
The WABON charged registered nurse Amy Jo Bruner (RN.RN.60869362) with unprofessional conduct. In 2022, Bruner was allegedly observed to demonstrate signs of intoxication in the workplace and refused a for-cause drug test. During the investigation, Bruner failed to submit a written statement to WABON.
The WABON charged and immediately suspended the registered nurse license of Christopher L. Calkins (RN.RN.00123840) pending further legal action. In June 2023, Calkins was providing in home care to an infant patient. Charges state Calkins was allegedly impaired and failed to assess the patient after the oxygen saturation monitor failed to record a reading, left the patient unattended, and failed to administer CPR after finding the patient unresponsive.
The WABON released Abigail Rene Sodano (RN.RN.60291039) from the terms and conditions of her registered nurse license.
Snohomish County
The WABON charged registered nurse Deepak Navin Singh (RN.RN.60397699) with unprofessional conduct. Charges allege that in July 2023, Singh communicated on social media with a former patient and messaged that he was the patient’s nurse in detox and said, "I've already seen you naked.”
Out of State
Idaho: The WABON and Jennifer Lynne Shaw (LPN.LP.60025718.MSL) entered an Agreed Order in which the summary suspension on her licensed practical nurse license was lifted. Per the Agreed Order, Shaw must contact and actively participate in the intake process with the Washington Health Professional Services (WHPS) monitoring program. On or about September 2024, Shaw’s credential to practice as a licensed practical nurse in the state of Idaho was revoked by the State of Idaho Board of Nursing for engaging in gross negligence or reckless conduct when Shaw was impaired by methamphetamine and engaged in disruptive contact while working as a nurse in a crisis center.
Idaho: The WABON charged registered nurse Tracy Lynn Webster (RN.RN.00120098) (MSL.RN.61579660-RN) with unprofessional conduct. Charges allege Webster failed to disclose convictions on her multistate license application to include a 2016 DUI conviction, two convictions in 2022 for Assault in the Fourth Degree, and a DUI conviction in 2023.
Texas: The WABON denied the registered nurse license application of Florence Balay Bangura (RN.RN.61433341). In 2016, the Texas Board of Nursing revoked Bangura’s registered nurse license after Bangura failed to appear in answer to charges regarding patient care. In June 2018, Bangura was convicted of nine counts of Health Care Fraud and Aiding and Abetting in the US District Court, Eastern District of Texas. In May 2021 and February 2023, the Texas Board of Nursing denied Bangura’s request for reinstatement.
Texas: The WABON charged registered nurse Zuleika L. Sanders (RN.RN.61377405) with unprofessional conduct. Charges state that in July 2024, the Texas Board of Nursing entered an Agreed Order, which reprimanded Sanders with stipulations and a fine. The stipulations included employment restrictions on Sanders' credentials for a period of at least two (2) years of employment in the state of Texas.
Note to Editors: Healthcare providers charged with unprofessional conduct have 20 days to respond to the Washington State Board of Nursing in writing. The case then enters the settlement process. If a disciplinary agreement cannot be reached, the matter will proceed to a hearing.
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