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Board of Nursing, Licensing Discipline Update

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The Washington State Board of Nursing (WABON) has taken disciplinary action or withdrawn charges against the following healthcare providers in our state.

The Washington State Board of Nursing is committed to protecting public health and safety by regulating the competency and quality of all Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), Registered Nurses (RN), Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners (ARNP), and Nurse Technicians (NTEC).

For primary source verification of a Washington State LPN, RN, ARNP, or NTEC license—for employment purposes or any other reason—please visit the Department of Health’s Provider Credential Search. This online tool provides up-to-date information, including:

  • License status
  • Credential expiration and renewal dates
  • Disciplinary actions
  • Legal documents issued after July 1998

This information is publicly available and can be printed directly from the website.

Jefferson County

In December 2024, the Board of Nursing reinstated the registered nurse license of Karen Alyse Macrae Candaux (RN00130960) with conditions on the license. During probation, Candaux may not practice as a nurse except as part of a pre-approved refresher course. Candaux must continue to comply with a monitoring program.

King County

In December 2024, the Board of Nursing released Schantelle Louise Lieber (LP61315321) from the terms and conditions of her licensed practical nurse license.

In December 2024, the Board of Nursing granted the reinstatement of Shannon M. Ryan's registered nurse license (RN00160616) with conditions on the license. Ryan must successfully complete a monitoring program.

Snohomish County

In December 2024, the Board of Nursing charged Nancy Jean Eakin (RN00170 512) with unprofessional conduct. In May 2024, Eakin tested positive for alcohol on a for cause drug screen.

Out of State

California: In January 2025, the Board of Nursing charged and immediately suspended the registered nurse license of Alarik Isaac Fryling (RN60334594) pending further legal action. In July 2024, the Board of Registered Nursing, Department of Consumer Affairs, State of California, accepted the surrender of Fryling's license to practice as a registered nurse in California.

California: In January 2025, the Board of Nursing charged and immediately suspended the registered nurse license of Dennis Brian Klumb (RN60441800), pending further legal action. In September 2024, the California Board of Nursing revoked Klumb’s registered nurse credential based on Klumb’s conviction of Driving Under the Influence.

Missouri: In December 2024, the Board of Nursing and John David Gaskins (RN61435472) entered an agreed order denying his application for a multistate license and placing his single-state registered nurse license on probation subject to terms and conditions.  In November 2023, The Missouri Board based its decision on allegations that included but were not limited to, unprofessional conduct, failure to conform to nursing standards, failure to assess, document, or report the status of a patient, and intentionally or negligently causing physical or emotional harm to a patient.

Note to Editors: Healthcare providers charged with unprofessional conduct have 20 days to respond to the Department of Health in writing. The case then enters the settlement process. The case will go to a hearing if no disciplinary agreement can be reached.