On January 24, 2024, the Washington State Department of Health (department) initiated rulemaking to consider amending sections of chapter 246-225 WAC, X-rays in the healing arts, to address technological advancements in radiation therapy and fluoroscopic X-ray, establish machine performance and quality control standards, and to address plan review shielding requirements. Rulemaking may amend language in:
- WAC 246-225-010, Definitions,
- WAC 246-225-020, General requirements- Administrative controls,
- WAC 246-225-030, General requirements- Plan review,
- WAC 246-225-050, Fluoroscopic X-ray systems,
- WAC 246-225-120, Therapeutic X-ray installations less than 1MeV, and
- WAC 246-225-130, X-ray and electron therapy systems with energies of 1 MeV and above.
The department may consider adopting new chapters for fluoroscopic X-ray and radiation therapy.
The department will keep interested parties informed of rule development through email notifications and by posting information on their rulemaking website. Interested parties and the public will have the opportunity to provide comments throughout the rulemaking process; during the informal and formal comment periods and at the public hearing. To stay informed about this rulemaking process, please contact ashlie.laydon@doh.wa.gov.
For questions about this rulemaking please contact, Richard Montemarano, Radiation Health Physicist at Richard.montemarano@doh.wa.gov, and/or Ashlie Laydon, Rules Coordinator at ashlie.laydon@doh.wa.gov.