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Can the nursing assistant-registered/nursing assistant-certified (NA-R/NA-C) or home care aide-certified (HCA-C) refuse to consent to perform a delegated nursing task?

The NA-R/NA-C or HCA-C may refuse to consent to perform a delegated nursing task. The laws and rules protect the NA-R/NA-C or HCA-C from any employer reprisal or disciplinary action by the Department of Health for refusing to accept delegation of a nursing task based on patient safety issues. The NA-R/NA-C or HCA-C is accountable for their own actions in the delegation process.

RCW 18.88A.230: Delegation—Liability—Reprisal or disciplinary action. (

WAC 246-840-970: Accountability, Liability, and Coercion for community-based and in-home nurse delegation

Chapter 246-841A WAC

WAC 246-980-130 Provision of Delegation of Certain Tasks to the HCA-C

FAQ Category
Nursing Delegation