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Employers who wish to learn more about substance use disorder and its prevalence in the nursing profession may access Education resources at the WHPS website.

If you would like to request an education presentation on the WHPS program, please email

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Employing a nurse who is in the WHPS Program FAQs

What recommended policies or procedures can an employer have in place to guide decision-making concerning issues of drug use in the workplace?

What recommended policies or procedures can an employer have in place to guide decision-making concerning issues of drug use in the workplace?

The language and format of policies or procedures varies from organization to organization. Employers may consider a comprehensive policy for addressing fitness-to-practice concerns that includes but is not limited to:

  • Education
  • Just culture
  • Surveillance
  • Drug testing
  • Compassionate intervention
  • Internal and external reporting requirements
  • Employee assistance programs
  • Return to practice guidelines
  • Relapse management
How can an employer learn more about a substance use disorder and/or WHPS?

How can an employer learn more about a substance use disorder and/or WHPS?

Employers wishing to learn more about substance use disorder and its prevalence in the nursing profession may access Education resources at the WHPS website. Additionally, employers may schedule a presentation by requesting the information here.

When can an employer direct a nurse to be drug tested?

When can an employer direct a nurse to be drug tested?

Employers of WHPS nurses may request that WHPS drug test the nurse any time there are concerns.

With a consistently applied policy in place, employers may direct a nurse to be tested when exhibiting behavior consistent with substance use. WABON recommends that nurses be asked to drug test when concerns regarding alcohol or drug use arise, even if the nurse admits to using.

What is a worksite monitor’s role and responsibilities?

What is a worksite monitor’s role and responsibilities?

The role of the worksite monitor (typically a nurse’s direct clinical supervisor) is critical to ensure a nurse’s success in returning to safe nursing practice. WHPS and the worksite monitor maintain open communication regarding the nurse’s progress.

Management of a returning, recovering nurse is no different than that of any other employee. A worksite monitor will observe an employee’s progress at work and observe for any signs of relapse. The worksite monitor will submit monthly online practice reports to WHPS.

WHPS Worksite Monitor Orientation Course

How can I verify a nurse is enrolled in WHPS and what practice restrictions are in place?

How can I verify a nurse is enrolled in WHPS and what practice restrictions are in place?

To participate in WHPS, nurses must consent to allow WHPS to communicate with their employer and prospective employers about their employee’s enrollment status, ability to return to work, and (if applicable) any worksite monitoring requirements.

The nurse will have the employer sign an Employment Agreement with all practice restrictions listed as part of the employment process. The case manager will review the agreement and practice restrictions with the employer before considering approval for the job. It is important to know that the nurse cannot provide patient care until WHPS receives a signed Employment Agreement and provides final approval for the job.

NOTE: As part of any successful Return-to-Work plan, the nurse must identify a worksite monitor (typically a direct clinical supervisor).

Is it safe to hire or retain a nurse who is participating in the WHPS Program?

Is it safe to hire or retain a nurse who is participating in the WHPS Program?

Employers can feel confident in the oversight provided by WHPS when choosing to hire or retain a nurse monitored by WHPS. WHPS supports nurses’ safe return to practice and will determine whether they are safe to return to work before the nurse returns to practice.

WHPS considers several factors in its decision (e.g., history and severity of SUD diagnosis, treatment response, contract compliance, random drug testing results, etc.). To ensure safe practice, a nurse's WHPS participation contract may include necessary practice restrictions, but as they continue to be successful in their recovery, WHPS will review and adjust their contract until they can perform all aspects of their duties without restrictions.

NOTE: Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), persons with a history of a substance use disorder and who are currently in documented recovery have certain protections related to employment (i.e. reasonable accommodations). Employers may consult with their Human Resources department for specific guidance.

What is the likelihood of recovery for nurses with substance use disorder?

What is the likelihood of recovery for nurses with substance use disorder?

Research demonstrates that substance use disorder is treatable and that successful, long-term recovery is possible for all who maintain a rigorous relapse prevention program and nurses in recovery can re-enter the workplace safely when treatment and monitoring are instituted. A nurse who is known and being monitored can be a safer practitioner than a nurse who may have a substance use disorder that has not yet manifested or that has thus far gone undetected.

 Workplace Resources

Contact Us

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use, and are looking for further assistance, please contact us:

Email, Phone, and Fax

Phone: 360-236-2880, Option 1
Fax: 360-359-7956

Mailing Address

Washington Health Professional Services
P.O. Box 47864
Olympia, WA 98504-7864

Hours of operation

Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Education and Consultation

Grant Hulteen
Assistant Director of WHPS
Phone: 360-280-6610