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Laws Overview

Revised Code of Washington (RCW)

A law or Revised Code of Washington (RCW) is written by the Washington State Legislature. Once legislation is signed by the governor, it becomes law. You can perform an online search for RCWs on the Washington State Legislature website or go directly to the full list of RCWs.

The Washington State Board of Nursing (WABON) has authority (RCW 18.79.110) to change, update, and add to the following chapters of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC):

Chapter 246-840 WAC - Practical and Registered Nursing

Chapter 246-841A WAC - Nursing Assistants

Relevant RCWs for nurses

RCW Chapter or Section Title
RCW Chapter 18.79 Nursing Care
RCW Chapter 18.80 Interstate Nurse Licensure Compact
RCW Chapter 18.130 Regulation of Health Professions/Uniform Disciplinary Act
RCW Section 26.44.030 Abuse of Children and Adult Dependent Persons
RCW Chapter 34.05 Administrative Procedures Act
RCW Chapter 42.56 Public Disclosure
RCW Chapter 70.02 Medical Records – Health Care Information Access and Disclosure
RCW Chapter 74.34 Abuse of Vulnerable Adults

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More agency rule resources

Department of Health Rule Making

State Board of Health Rules

Other Department rules in WAC Title 246

Rule Petition