Case Disposition
In the case disposition step, the investigative file is reviewed by a single board member who is called the Reviewing Board Member. The Reviewing Board Member receives a legal review from one of the board's staff attorneys and may discuss the case with the attorney and the investigator.
The Reviewing Board Member presents the case to a panel of the board, called a case disposition panel (CDP). The panel makes the decision either to close the case or take action.
Decision options include:
- Close the case
- Alternatives to discipline:
- Refer to Washington Health Professional Services (WHPS) - WABON believes substance abuse is a disease. WHPS is the WABON-approved monitoring program for nurses with substance use disorders. A one-time referral to WHPS may be offered instead of discipline. If additional charges are proven, nurses may be referred to WHPS through formal or informal action.
- Refer to the Early Remediation Program - When a report alleges practice deficiencies, and it appears the nurse would benefit from short-term remedial education, WABON may refer the nurse to the Early Remediation Program when appropriate. Several criteria must be met, including minor or no harm to the patient, and the nurse agreeing to the program. This program is instead of discipline and does not show in the database as disciplinary action. See procedure A34 (PDF) for more information.
- Informal action
- Formal action
If informal action is requested, the legal documents are drafted and served on the respondent, and the case can be settled between the board and the respondent. Informal action begins with a statement of allegations and results in a stipulation to informal disposition (STID). In a STID, the respondent does not admit to the conduct, and no findings of fact are made. However, the respondent agrees to abide by any terms or remedial action spelled out in the document.
If a STID cannot be reached, the case will convert to a formal action, and the case now goes to the adjudicative step.