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What is a Portable Order for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) form?

POLST is a set of portable medical orders, executed by an adult patient (or legal surrogate) and the patient's medical provider, to guide medical treatment based on the patient's current medical condition and goals.

POLST is usually for persons with serious illness or frailty. The “rule of thumb” is to recommend POLST for patients if their provider would not be surprised if they die within a year. Advanced care planning is thoughtful conversations between health care professionals, the patient and/or surrogate.

It is within the scope of the appropriately prepared and competent LPN to discuss end-of-life care with the patient or surrogate under the direction of an authorized health care practitioner or under the direction and supervision of the registered nurse (RN).

For more information and resources on POLST, go to:

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Portable Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment