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Is the licensed practical nurse (LPN) allowed to perform a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)-waived COVID-19 test without an order or standing order from an authorized health care practitioner?

No. The LPN does not practice independently. The LPN may perform a CLIA-waived  COVID-19 test based  following directions/orders and supervision of the registered nurse or authorized health care practitioner in any setting. The LPN may follow standing orders. Employers/facilities may have policies requiring an order for these tests and other requirements (e.g., competency assessment completion and quality control testing). The employer/facility must have a CLIA-waiver certification:

Medical Test Sites (MTS) | Washington State Department of Health

Waived Tests | CDC

Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) | FDA

The facility/employer should follow established guidelines specific to the facility type:

Point of Care Testing Guidelines (

The employer/facility must follow quality control measures as required with the CLIA-waived certification and as required by accreditation organizations (e.g., Joint Commission):

COVID-19 - Quality Control Testing for COVID-19 Tests | Laboratory | Quality System Assessment for Nonwaived Testing Quality System Assessment (QSA) | The Joint Commission

Other Resources:

COVID-19 Testing: Health Care Provider Resources & Recommendations | Washington State Department of Health

Reporting COVID-19 Test Results for Point-of-Care Testing Facilities | Washington State Department of Health

FAQ Category
Nursing Delegation