We are continuing to work to streamline nursing assistant skills testing and increase skills testing slots in our state.
This plan has taken time to develop, and a transition period is necessary.
Changes to Skills Testing Registration
Registration for Nursing Assistant skills test dates after October 1 is temporarily paused.
- We expect students will be able to register for skills test dates again by September 16 via a new process.
- We will provide instructions for this new process next week.
After October 1, 2023:
- WABON will support skills testing through partnership with the training programs.
- Credentia will focus on written exam testing.
More details to follow next week.
Already Scheduled Tests Unaffected
Previously scheduled test dates through September 30 remain unaffected.
- Programs with skills and written exams already scheduled with Credentia, and students who have registered and paid to test should keep their appointments and test as scheduled through September 30.
More Information
Thank you for your patience during this transition.