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The new Nursing Assistant skills test process started October 1, 2023. Here is an overview of the new process. 

New Skills Test Registration Process

For graduates from approved Washington state Nursing Assistant training programs:

Step 1: Get a Credentia Candidate ID number. 

  • Create a Credentia365 account and verify your email address.
  • You need a Candidate ID number to:
    • Register for the skills test.
    • Register for the written (or oral) test.
    • Ensure your results are processed quickly.

Step 2: Register for the skills test.

  • Option A: Register with your training program, if your training program is ready to provide skills testing.
    • If your training program offers testing, the program may reach out to you about skills test dates, registration, and the payment process.
    • You can also check the program’s website for information.
  • Option B: Register through WABON online scheduling if your training program is NOT providing skills testing at this time.
    • Use WABON online scheduling to register for a test location, date, and time.
    • The test site will communicate their process for paying the skills test fee.

 Step 3: Register for the written (or oral) test on the Credentia website AFTER you pass the skills test.

Step 4*: Apply for your nursing assistant-certified (NAC) credential with the Department of Health (DOH), if you have not already done so. 

*Note:  New graduates from approved Washington state Nursing Assistant training programs may do Step 4 at any time.

    • Completing Step 4 early can save time in certification processing.

For Other Eligible Candidates (i.e., nursing students, military trained, out-of-state):

  • You must begin with Step 4 to gain your authorization to test, which is required prior to testing.
  • Then follow Steps 1-3 in order.

Other Important Information 

Test candidates should take the skills test first.

  • Candidates are expected to pass the skills test before registering for the written test.
  • Testing out of order can delay certification.

 Test candidates must provide proof to test

To take the skills tests, candidates must give the evaluating RN a copy of one of the following:

  • Certificate of Completion
  • Authorization to test

Overall cost of the nursing assistant exam is the same, but the amounts paid for each part of the exam have changed. 

  • Skills test fee paid to the test site is $100.
  • Written (or oral) test fee paid to Credentia is $55.

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