Sharon Ness worked as a staff nurse, primarily in Critical Care, for 50+ years, retiring in November 2020. Diploma trained with degree in Political Science; practiced full time for 17 years, then per diem weekends. Pierce County Nurse of the Year in 1987. She has also been a Union Representative, first with Washington State Nurses Association, then with UFCW, negotiating and administering contracts for Registered Staff Nurses in 22 different hospitals; also worked as a Lobbyist for UFCW for 15 years. Legislation I successfully helped introduce and pass – Class C felony to assault a nurse or healthcare worker, Safe Lift legislation, Bio Hazard Drugs legislation, and working on Staffing legislation with WSNA, UFCW, SEIU, Hospital Association and Nurse Executives through legislation and Ruckelshaus.
Sharon has also worked with the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries as a health care representative on the WISHA Advisory Committee and the Governor’s Industrial Safety and Health Board, including serving a few years as its’ President. She also worked on numerous occupational health regulations, such as, blood borne pathogens, tuberculosis, and workplace violence. In addition, was chair of the first Safety and Health Grant Program. Sharon has also served on the Boards of the American Red Cross Mount Rainier Chapter, and Pierce County United Way Board of Directors and Pierce County Workforce Development Board. Sharon is honored to serve her appointments to the Washington Board of Nursing (WABON). Sharon brings her spirit for policy development, activism, advocating for quality, safe patient care, high standards of nursing, nursing care, and quality safe working conditions, which also serve to protect the patients we serve.